Monday, November 3, 2008

Powerful Effects Theory

Below is the link to the short video ...

Source: Katz & Lazarsfeld (1955)
The classic example of the application of the Magic Bullet Theory was illustrated on October 30, 1938 when Orson Welles and the newly formed Mercury Theater group broadcasted their radio edition of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds." On the eve of Halloween, radio programming was interrupted with a "news bulletin" for the first time. What the audience heard was that Martians had begun an invasion of Earth in a place called Grover's Mill, New Jersey.
It became known as the "Panic Broadcast" and changed broadcast history, social psychology, civil defense and set a standard for provocative entertainment. Approximately 12 million people in the United States heard the broadcast and about one million of those actually believed that a serious alien invasion was underway. A wave of mass hysteria disrupted households, interrupted religious services, caused traffic jams and clogged communication systems. People fled their city homes to seek shelter in more rural areas, raided grocery stores and began to ration food. The nation was in a state of chaos, and this broadcast was the cause of it.
Media theorists have classified the "War of the Worlds" broadcast as the archetypal example of the Magic Bullet Theory.
In my opinion, this is exactly how the theory worked, by injecting the message directly into the "bloodstream" of the public, attempting to create a uniform thinking. The effects of the broadcast suggested that the media could manipulate a passive and gullible public, leading theorists to believe this was one of the primary ways media authors shaped audience perception. Powerful effects thoery can thus predict strong and realatively universal effects of mass communication on all audiences.
The media has employed the technique of creating a movie in this case to transmit the messages for the viewers to decode. However, the receivers can be invisible as they can choose not to accept the message put across through the movie and communication can be terminated at will. The function of correlation which is analysis and evaluation is carried out here as viewers evaluate the motives of every scene in the movie. Media globalization is seen here as the movie can be shown in many ways, not only through movies, but also on radio and on televisions. With the granting of licenses to commercial radio and television stations, media now can carry out commercial broadcasting. Also, this movie is an example of a product of the dominance of US media, main supplier of motion pictures. The fact that this movie is shown in many countries also shows the dominance of media products abroad. What do you think?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Promotion of Collectivistic and Individualistic Values

As we all know from the notes, values prevailing in high contex cultures (HC) are generally tied to collectivism and those in low contex cultures (LC) to individualism. I think that this can be shown whereby HC and LC culture websites share different values. Collectivist cultures tend to emphasize being in good physical shape and time spent with family and friends as their dominant values, individualist societies implies relaxation and time spent by oneself. Images of individuals dancing or doing sports are more prominent on HC websites than LC websites, whereas in LC countries individuals tend to be portrayed in more relaxed situations or situations connoting holiday activities, such as a trip to the lake or listening to music.

Indeed, according to reasearch I have found, McDonald's indeed uses different approaches to profess its slogan "I'm lovin' it." The slogan not only promotes the food, but a whole lifestyle. The Swiss-German site (which shows low contex culture-individualism) displays images of individuals enjoying themselves with music and relaxation and offers an in-depth explanation of the philosophy behind the new slogan: "You're immediately at the center of attention—your individuality, your everyday life, situations in which you recognize yourself and where you would like to see yourself."

However, on the other hand, this definition is absent in sites such as the Indian one, where an image of a man running with a boy in a shopping cart is placed next to the slogan (shown above), creating a visual connection between the two texts. Both the man and the boy, with a Happy Meal on his lap, are laughing wholeheartedly as they speed down the supermarket aisle. The slogan seems to reflect the thought of both of the participants, and seems to reflect the fun of being together as a father and a son, uncle and nephew, or some other close relationship.

The Indian site certainly emphasizes a different enjoyable experience from the kind found in the Swiss-German site, which rather praises that time which is spent by oneself, for instance by listening to music with earphones large enough to block out the outside world (shown below).
Taken from the Swiss Site
Taken from the Indian Site

Also, Macdonald's community work is communicated differently in the two sites. On the Swiss-German site, a link to the Ronald McDonald fund is placed near the bottom of the page, as the last point on the menu. However, McDonald's India may have replaced a group photograph of happy employees with one of a man and a boy, the "Community" link has been placed to a much more prominent location on the home page, which is placed second on the menu of links. Does the communication of community work depends on the collectivist or individualist orientation of the user's culture?

From research, there is also the point stating that collectivistic societies place high importance on people and relations, whereas individualistic societies tend to value products and consumerism. When displaying a product together with an individual, it reflects the values of HC cultures by drawing focus away from what the product offers and towards what the person receives when enjoying the product. However, images of individuals or products by themselves are not present in LC culture websites.

In addition, we can expect that at least one image of an individual together with the product will be found on the homepage or main pages of an HC culture site. Is this really true?

Research information taken from Würtz, E. (2005). A cross-cultural analysis of websites from high-context cultures and low-context cultures. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(1), article 13


As we all know, culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another. As people come to accept their own and others' culture,they begin to be influenced by others. Culture can also be defined as an invisible control mechanism operating in our thoughts which kicks in only when we are severlely challenged. Cultural influences interprets behaviour and one will then learn to draw the line between what group one think he or she belongs to and what one does not.
Here is something which I think is intersting to share...that is cultural infuences are not only reflected in dance, music or lifestyles of the people, but also in web design. The following examples illustrate different ways in which cultural influences are reflected in web design.
Firstly, in Animation,
Well, animated effects on websites tend to be more prominent and elaborate in high contex cultures than in low contex culture websites, where such options are reserved for emphasizing active links or drawing attention to logos. Much of the animation on high contex websites is centered on images of people.
For instance, high contex Latin American sites such as the Chilean and Brazilian ones use animation in connection with images of young people dancing or jumping. The same tendency can be found on the Chinese site, which displays the moving silhouette of a break-dancer.
This form of illustration is not seen in the North American and European countries, and in particular Scandinavia, where the McDonald's sites are completely static, or where animation is minimal and images are of individuals in relaxed situations.
This tendency can be due to importance being placed on one's health and physical condition in collectivist societies, or by the cherished nature of personal relaxation time by members of individualist cultures.

The McDonald's site from Hong Kong, which we identify as high contex culture, we are in fact presented with an image of a young person relaxing in a couch with his hat covering his eyes. According to the tendency, this image would be categorized as belonging to a low contex culture website. We can therefore consider the image of the relaxing person as an expression of British or low contex cultural influence.
In addition, one interesting use of animation on high contex culture websites is the assimilation of non-verbal, behavioral language, which is characteristic of high contex culture (face-to-face communication). An Internet function, animation, is used to communicate in alternative ways from text, by providing high context using cues that assimilate or derive from real-life conversations.
Although this practice appears to be relatively rare, the Japanese McDonald's website illustrates how animation in the form of short videos can provide an alternative to communication through text and still images, to create the impression that the visitor is virtually met by a personal representative of the company, which can be shown from the pictures below.
Figure A

Figure B

To explain further, figure A the image of a video whereby it should actually portray four men in white clothes and caps, carrying a massive "M" and placing it on the floor, after which they quickly bow and hurry behind the logo. Figure B is another image caputured from a video which actually should portray a well-dressed woman stepping out from behind the logo towards us, and then taking a long bow. The video is then replaced with a large picture of the smiling woman, with her hands in her lap, as if waiting for interaction with the visitor.

ALso, the vividness of high contec culture websites is often completed with the implementation of music and sound effects. Some sites play a limit of a couple of seconds of the "I'm lovin' it" jingle or background beat, and the Korean site has implemented the whole jingle (in Korean) to be played from beginning to end.
Whether animation is used on websites is dependent on at least two issues other than the user's belonging to high contex culture or low contex cultures. The user's patience, which perhaps can be determined by time-orientation, and the user's technological access and limitations. The designer who decides to implement animations and effects must assume that the user sees the necessity of them, and that the user is technologically able to process them to the user's satisfaction.
Yes, therefore cultural influences can be shown from websites and the idea of creating websites has also brought about benefits to Macdonals as this serves also as a kind of advertising where consumers can get to know what updates of food and services Macdonals have got for them.
What is your view on this?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Relational challenges

Anita Desai (born 1937) has been touted by "British Writers'" A. Michael Matin as "one of the preeminent contemporary Indian novelists," even referred to by many as the Mother of the Indian psychological novel genre. Her meticulous depictions of modern Indian life, combined with an elevated level of linguistic skill that frequently enters the poetic realm, have secured her a place of honor in the pantheon of Indian authors.

After reading Winterscape in the book titled Home and Away by Anita Desai, I found that the writer has posed many questions which are worth considering.
In the story Winterscape, Anu, who is the younger sister of Asha, gave birth to Rakesh, whose blood mother and father was known as Masi and Masa to Rakesh. Her husband died when Rakesh was five and so she stayed with Asha and together, they brought up Rakesh.

Asha who is is married at 15 to a rich husband has no children of her own. She informally brought Rakesh home and is known to Rakesh as Ma. Her husband died when Rakesh was one and she brought up Rakesh and paid for his studies in Toronto, Canada.

From the story, Asha has shown competency in forming relationship for she only sees rich men as capable husbands.The perception of her husband being able to support her throughout her life shows positive stimulus discrimination (actions based on how the person is unique from others). There is the use of the filtering theory here.
Anu went through emotional states when her husband died. She was depressed. She felt lonely and bored being alone. Also, there is a great change in Rakesh's life. In fact, Rakesh who is not being brought up by his biological parents found it hard to accept the ungenuine relationship with Asha. There is intimidation and uncertainty in Rakesh's relationship with Asha. Although there is proximity in terms of physical distance between Rakesh and Asha, however, there is a lack of dyadic primacy (series of exchanges between two persons) which shows that of a mother and son.

In the end, Rakesh (an Indian) grew up and married a white lady, Beth. Beth was told of Rakesh's story and both of them and Beth's sister, Susan have learnt from Rakesh's unpleasant experience. Now that they have given birth to a baby, they vowed not to give their baby away to a relative or even an unrelated person.

Rakesh, who later knows of his true mother, decided to meet up with her one day by inviting her to his country, where he and Beth stayed, before their marriage to get Beth's parents to know Rakesh's mother. The story then revealed the communication problems which have surfaced due to cultural differences between Beth and Anu.

At the surface level, I think that overcoming East-West cultural differences and acclimatizing to a new place is not easy, however understanding others' culture helps in communication. It is difficult to socialize with other cultural groups if one does not understand their language and cultural beliefs. What do you think?

However, beyond the stated, I think that the writer wants to show us that one should bear the reponsibility which is in this case refers to Anu's responsibility of a mother.
Would it make a difference if Rakesh were to have just one mother instead of two? In my view, I think that Rakesh's relational needs (lacking of a true mother and son experience) are not met and this causes great harm psychologically and socially. What do you think?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Group communication

Group synergy is about providing more input than individuals or the best in the group. Cohesive groups lend support and commitment and in order to meet the member's interpersonal needs, there is a need for inclusion, a need for control and a need for affection. I agree with what is written in the notes. Not only cohesive groups meet the member's interpersonal needs, it also meets the group's goal. With a cohesive group, achieving goals will not become a huge hurdle compared to a noncohesive one. As a member of the CJC's guzheng ensemble, I have to say that achieving a group's goal is not a simple task, especially when the group is huge. Potential group problems may surface at any time if any member of the group is not committed.

Talking about potential group problems, this reminds me of my experience during the Singapore Youth Festival where I got to work with others in an ensemble. We have experienced times in which we found it hard to listen to one another due to our lack of attention and focus and I have learnt the importance of group cooperation, to listen to others in an ensemble and know the others' playing style. Good coordination among others playing the melody and the base takes patience and practice and to avoid repeating the same mistakes, good coordination is vital. In a guzheng ensemble, succesful communication within the group can be achieved by looking out for one another's cues through movements. Coordinated movements helps us to achieve more solid sounds during the performance and to keep track of our rhythm and speed. Also, this helps in our communuication with the audience as this livens up the atmosphere. (just to share, this is a video taken during my rehersal in my school auditorium)

Although there may be some unhappy experiences as some may drop out along the way, I have also learnt that for a group to succeed, the group has to carry out groupthink, which can be viewed as a mode of thinking when our strivings for unanimity overides our motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of actions. In an ensemble, it is very important for every member to believe in the group's own morality as I have learnt that a lack of confidence in others can lead to negative behaviours, for example giving up and backing out from the competition.

From my experience, I also realized that factors such as problem solving affects group performance and is not so simplistic. For example, finding a way to help the others to pick up in certain pieces may sometimes be difficult. For example, covering up for others may be a possible technique but this can only be done with practice and focused listening and there is always a downside to it. This may deprive the others of the chance to learn and find out their mistakes. Apart from problem solving, there will also be group pressure and stress can affect a group's performance. For example, playing solo can be streesful as there is no one to cover up and mistakes made can affect the group's performance.
Group synergy allows a group to provide more input than individuals. Experiencing the true meaning of group synergy helps a lot when working in groups. Problems can be eliminated more easily. What do you think?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yellow Ribbon Project 2008

Yellow Ribbon Project 2008, Celebrating Second Life – Awards Ceremony & Concert

Speech by Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed
Interview with Wakin Chau

I’m really still in prison and my love, she holds the key, a simple yellow ribbon’s what I need to set me free … - Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree.
The Yellow Ribbon Project explicitly recognised two hundred and eight ex-offenders who received their achievement awards in the Ceremony held at the Singapore Expo Convention Hall, 06 September 2008.
1. Excerpt from Mr. Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Senior Minister of State (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and Mayor, North East District, at the Yellow Ribbon Celebrating Second Chances Awards 2008:
It is my pleasure to be here today to celebrate the success of ex-offenders who had made good use of the second chances given to them. Equally encouraging is the presence of organizations and individuals, who have generously offered ex-offenders the chances to start afresh. Their deeds have also given hope to families of ex-offenders.
We all know that life is not a bed of roses for an inmate who is just released from Prisons. He faces many complex issues. For example, he needs to deal with strained family relationships, difficulties in finding job, accommodation and the rest. Therefore, community support is essential to ease inmates’ transition from Prisons back to society.
The idea of giving second chances is not new. Since the launch of the Yellow Ribbon Project in 2004, I am heartened to see organisations and individuals offering gifts of acceptance and support to help ex-offenders and their families.

The yellow ribbon project allows ex-offenders to be accepted into the community. We should give second chances to ex-offenders and not present a negative social-cognitive orientation. Although many still adopt a mindset that ex-offenders are a threat to society and show our detest to them through non-verbal cues such as staying far away from them (territorial), applying proxemics by maintaining a particular distance from them, there are still others who accept them into society.
Some people cannot accept the physical apperances of ex-offenders, for example, the tatoo markings on drug offenders and as they show that they do not treat themselves with respect at all. However, they do not realize that tatooing in fact shows the normative and idiosyncratic characteristic of nonverbal communcation. Tattoing shows the other offenders in the group that they belong to the same group, as known by similarity (principle of organising information).
We should change our perception on the saying that ex-offenders will stay as offenders and will not mend his or her wrongdoings. I agree with the point made in that more organisations should come forward to support the Yellow Ribbon cause. What do you think?

AVA stops import & sale of milk and dairy products from China

AVA stops import & sale of milk and dairy products from China
Posted: 19 September 2008 2147 hrs
SINGAPORE - The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has suspended the import and sale of all milk and dairy products from China with immediate effect, after tests found melamine contamination in two brands of China-made milk products. Two days ago, AVA issued an advisory about the recall of Yili brand "Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yogurt Flavoured Ice Confection" based on Hong Kong's findings of melamine contamination in such products. Subsequently, AVA took samples of the product for testing and found two samples to be contaminated with melamine. All stocks of the affected product have been removed from market shelves since 17 September and will be destroyed, said an AVA statement on Friday. "Our tests also found that the "Dutch Lady" brand of strawberry flavoured milk manufactured in China to be contaminated with melamine. These products have also been recalled and will be destroyed. Other "Dutch Lady" brand milk products which are not manufactured in China are unaffected," said the statement. "As a precautionary measure, AVA is also suspending the import and sale of all milk and milk products from China with immediate effect," added the statement. Consumers who have bought Yili brand "Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yogurt Flavoured Ice Confection" and "Dutch Lady" brand of strawberry flavoured milk (manufactured in China) are advised not to consume them. AVA said retailers and importers have also been instructed to recall these products and these products will be withheld from sale until they have cleared the necessary tests. AVA has also instructed local food manufacturers to stop the use of milk and milk products from China as ingredients until the completion of its investigations. Consignments which have just arrived or are on the way will also be withheld from sale. As regards infant formula, AVA reassures the public that there is no such import from China. Infant formulas sold in Singapore are safe for consumption, it said. - CNA/ir

China should come up with solutions to prevent further melamine contamination in food products as this will give consumers a very bad impression. Since one's first impression is always said to persist and we tend to view new behaviours as temporary, to be able to convince consumers into buying products, China's maufacturers should be attributed the responsibility to ensure good and safe quality products so as to keep its profits going.
Consumers' selection of dairy products often are based on the mass media (advertisements shown), their social network (friends and relatives' recommendations) and psychoogical state (his or her perception of how good the product is). Therefore, to ensure that consumers select foods imported from China, China has to be more stringent in manufacturing procedures and also their hygiene level when manufacturing food products.
Of course, it is not just only a matter of perception and attribution of this contamination case but the fact that the health of consumers may be greatly affected if the ban on imports is not imposed. In fact, every country should take up the responsibility of maufacturing safe food products as the health of every individual is important.