Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yellow Ribbon Project 2008

Yellow Ribbon Project 2008, Celebrating Second Life – Awards Ceremony & Concert

Speech by Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed
Interview with Wakin Chau

I’m really still in prison and my love, she holds the key, a simple yellow ribbon’s what I need to set me free … - Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree.
The Yellow Ribbon Project explicitly recognised two hundred and eight ex-offenders who received their achievement awards in the Ceremony held at the Singapore Expo Convention Hall, 06 September 2008.
1. Excerpt from Mr. Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Senior Minister of State (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and Mayor, North East District, at the Yellow Ribbon Celebrating Second Chances Awards 2008:
It is my pleasure to be here today to celebrate the success of ex-offenders who had made good use of the second chances given to them. Equally encouraging is the presence of organizations and individuals, who have generously offered ex-offenders the chances to start afresh. Their deeds have also given hope to families of ex-offenders.
We all know that life is not a bed of roses for an inmate who is just released from Prisons. He faces many complex issues. For example, he needs to deal with strained family relationships, difficulties in finding job, accommodation and the rest. Therefore, community support is essential to ease inmates’ transition from Prisons back to society.
The idea of giving second chances is not new. Since the launch of the Yellow Ribbon Project in 2004, I am heartened to see organisations and individuals offering gifts of acceptance and support to help ex-offenders and their families.

The yellow ribbon project allows ex-offenders to be accepted into the community. We should give second chances to ex-offenders and not present a negative social-cognitive orientation. Although many still adopt a mindset that ex-offenders are a threat to society and show our detest to them through non-verbal cues such as staying far away from them (territorial), applying proxemics by maintaining a particular distance from them, there are still others who accept them into society.
Some people cannot accept the physical apperances of ex-offenders, for example, the tatoo markings on drug offenders and as they show that they do not treat themselves with respect at all. However, they do not realize that tatooing in fact shows the normative and idiosyncratic characteristic of nonverbal communcation. Tattoing shows the other offenders in the group that they belong to the same group, as known by similarity (principle of organising information).
We should change our perception on the saying that ex-offenders will stay as offenders and will not mend his or her wrongdoings. I agree with the point made in that more organisations should come forward to support the Yellow Ribbon cause. What do you think?

AVA stops import & sale of milk and dairy products from China

AVA stops import & sale of milk and dairy products from China
Posted: 19 September 2008 2147 hrs
SINGAPORE - The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has suspended the import and sale of all milk and dairy products from China with immediate effect, after tests found melamine contamination in two brands of China-made milk products. Two days ago, AVA issued an advisory about the recall of Yili brand "Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yogurt Flavoured Ice Confection" based on Hong Kong's findings of melamine contamination in such products. Subsequently, AVA took samples of the product for testing and found two samples to be contaminated with melamine. All stocks of the affected product have been removed from market shelves since 17 September and will be destroyed, said an AVA statement on Friday. "Our tests also found that the "Dutch Lady" brand of strawberry flavoured milk manufactured in China to be contaminated with melamine. These products have also been recalled and will be destroyed. Other "Dutch Lady" brand milk products which are not manufactured in China are unaffected," said the statement. "As a precautionary measure, AVA is also suspending the import and sale of all milk and milk products from China with immediate effect," added the statement. Consumers who have bought Yili brand "Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yogurt Flavoured Ice Confection" and "Dutch Lady" brand of strawberry flavoured milk (manufactured in China) are advised not to consume them. AVA said retailers and importers have also been instructed to recall these products and these products will be withheld from sale until they have cleared the necessary tests. AVA has also instructed local food manufacturers to stop the use of milk and milk products from China as ingredients until the completion of its investigations. Consignments which have just arrived or are on the way will also be withheld from sale. As regards infant formula, AVA reassures the public that there is no such import from China. Infant formulas sold in Singapore are safe for consumption, it said. - CNA/ir

China should come up with solutions to prevent further melamine contamination in food products as this will give consumers a very bad impression. Since one's first impression is always said to persist and we tend to view new behaviours as temporary, to be able to convince consumers into buying products, China's maufacturers should be attributed the responsibility to ensure good and safe quality products so as to keep its profits going.
Consumers' selection of dairy products often are based on the mass media (advertisements shown), their social network (friends and relatives' recommendations) and psychoogical state (his or her perception of how good the product is). Therefore, to ensure that consumers select foods imported from China, China has to be more stringent in manufacturing procedures and also their hygiene level when manufacturing food products.
Of course, it is not just only a matter of perception and attribution of this contamination case but the fact that the health of consumers may be greatly affected if the ban on imports is not imposed. In fact, every country should take up the responsibility of maufacturing safe food products as the health of every individual is important.

AIMS gets feedback to create virtual Speaker’s Corner

AIMS gets feedback to create virtual Speaker’s Corner
By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia Posted: 19 September 2008 2156 hrs

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AIMS gets feedback to create virtual Speaker's Corner
SINGAPORE: The advisory council studying the impact of new media had received feedback to create a virtual Speaker's Corner and to repeal the section in the Films Act on party political films. There had been robust and strong criticism of some parts of the committee's report, said the chairman of Advisory Council on the Impact of New Media on Society (AIMS), Cheong Yip Seng. In particular, netizens said a watered-down section of the Films Act on party political films is not going to be effective. And the council saw their point. Mr Cheong said, "You cannot stop people from putting prohibited content on YouTube, you can't do that unless Singapore decides to shut down YouTube, which is not going to happen because the damage for Singapore will be a lot worse than just a repeal of the act." On their part, bloggers at the forum felt if something is to be banned, the powers should not rest with the minister. The issue should be debated by an independent body and decided upon. But when it came to issues of race and religion, even the netizens were not advocating a free for all. Netizens had also suggested that they should come up with a code of practice that can guide discussions online. Mr Cheong said, "I think personally if they can achieve that, preferably without government involvement, that will be a very major step and it will go a long way in my view to assure people who are now hesitant because they are afraid of being slammed." Netizens were also encouraged by greater calls for e-engagement at all levels including the government. The advisory council is expected to get further feedback and will submit the recommendations to the government by November. -CNA/yt

After reading this newspaper article, I think that creating a virtual speaker's corner may not be entirely effective as people may abuse their power of voicing out their views and factor in sentitive issues and negative remarks that are related to race and religion. Since one cannot stop anyone from doing anything one likes, there will always be people who will create a din.
Although the government has come up with a law that issues related to race and religion are prohibited at the Speaker's corner, there are many others who are trying hard to find ways and means to go against it. As the saying goes, one can only change one's negative behaviours but one will not be able to change one's perception easily. As human beings, we select what views we want to accept and we organise information according to our own personal constructs which we form through the speakers at the corner. For example, one may agree with those who are higher in social role and position. What do you think?
However, I think that the effectiveness of the speaker's corner will be that people are able to communicate through the use of verbal communication which makes thoughts and feelings clearer to the public.